“What things will be like, when, if ever, they have attained righteousness”
One might be forgiven for asking – What do righteousness have to do with Decentralised Autonomous Organisations and Corporate Governance? A quote by renowned theologian, St. Augustine, considered by many as of the greatest thinkers of all times, opens this 2022 paper co-authored by Titan Chambers’ Brian Sanya Mondoh. The impression we get, after reaching the end of the paper is that autonomous systems, deployed through vehicles such as DAOs, can bring humankind as close to righteousness as we may ever achieve.
DAOs as The Future of Corporate Governance
The paper concludes though, that unsurprisingly, the DAO use case “exemplifies that human intervention in certain circumstances is still required to implement complex decisions that have a direct effect on the o-chain and physical environment and members’ livelihoods … Nonetheless, research is still unclear as to whether algorithmic DAOs should be limited to simple decision rules, and tough decisions reserved for community-wide ruling through participatory DAOs.”
Commentary suggests that the technical conception of a DAO can be summarised as, “automation at the centre, humans at the edges”. Read more and let us know your thoughts!
“What things will be like, when, if ever, they have attained righteousness”
Brian Sanya Mondoh,
Dr. Sara Adami-Johnson,
Matthew Green, and
Dr. Aris Georgopoulos
(c) 2022
Learn more in this short (10 minute) read co-authored by Brian Sanya Mondoh. The linked article was originally published at SSRN.
You can locate Brian’s profile here and/or connect with him on LinkedIn here. Brian is a dual qualified Attorney-at-Law and practices in Trinidad and Tobago out of Titan Chambers. You can reach out to work with him on Decentralised Autonomous Organisations (DAO) and Decentralised Finance (DeFi) projects in Trinidad and Tobago. You can also read more of Brian’s scholarly works on our Blog or by connecting with our team.
In June 2024, Brian Sanya Mondoh and Saelese Haynes launched the regional chapter of CryptoMondays, CryptoMondays Caribbean/ CRC – a space to share, grow, support, and freely educate the Caribbean crypto community.
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